Marlo's Musings

Monday, July 17, 2006

Go Israel

The news today is really overacting regarding Bush using an expletive... it's no secret Syria sponsors terrorist organizations! I'm just glad Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is not tolerating it.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Stop The Invasion: No Amnesty for Illegals!

I have just signed a national petition taking a stand against the Amnesty bill that was just passed in the Senate (S. 2611).

Unless grassroots Americans stand up and say "Stop the Invasion", this bill would throw open the door to between 60-100 million illegal aliens over the next twenty years!

This is an issue of national security that demands your immediate attention. Please click below for more information:

After signing this important petition, please see the special report below.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Special Petition Alert from Alliance
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

The Senate just passed it's Hagel-Martinez Amnesty bill -- what many are calling the "No Illegal Alien Left Behind Act" -- by a final vote of 62-36.

If you have been watching the debate then you know that this outrageous bill has gotten worse by the hour. Right down to the final minutes before the vote, Senators were adding language that further undermines our nation. For example, the bill calls for "consultation" with Mexican authorities before the agreed-upon fence is built!

+ + How did your Senators vote?

Click here to find out how your Senators feel about your security.

+ + "Amnesty Republicans"

Despite their best attempts at hoodwinking the American public into believing that S. 2611 is a "guest-worker" bill, the truth is it is nothing more than a blanket amnesty bill. Regardless of the language they use, it is what it is. Grassfire is taking issue with these "Amnesty Republicans" whose actions have not only disrespected the citizens of our nation, but also further divided the Republican Party.

Here's our list of "Amnesty Republicans."

Robert Bennett (UT): (202) 224-5444
Sam Brownback (KS): (202) 224-6521
Lincoln Chafee (RI): (202) 224-2921
Norm Coleman (MN): (202) 224-5641
Susan Collins (ME) (202) 224-2523
Larry Craig (ID): (202) 224-2752
Mike DeWine (OH): (202) 224-2315
Bill Frist (TN): (202) 224-3344
Lindsay Graham (SC): (202) 224-5972
Judd Gregg (NH): (202) 224-3324
Chuck Hagel (NE): (202) 224-4224
Richard Lugar (IN): (202) 224-4814
Mel Martinez (FL): (202) 224-3041
John McCain (AZ): (202) 224-2235
Mitch McConnell (KY): (202) 224-2541
Lisa Murkowski (AK): (202) 224-6665
Richard Shelby (AL): (202) 224-5744
Gordon Smith (OR): (202) 224-3753
Olympia Snowe (ME): 202) 224-5344
Arlen Specter (PA): (202) 224-4254
Ted Stevens (AK): (202) 224-3004
George Voinovich (OH): (202) 224-3353
John Warner (VA): (202) 224-2023

+ + Don't Lose Hope -- Battle Just Begun!

The battle to secure our borders and save our nation from an amnesty flood is far from over.

Grassfire is already developing our strategy to embolden the House to oppose the Senate amnesty measure. Yes, we can defeat this, but it will take a rising tide of grassroots citizen outrage in the coming weeks.

As part of our multi-faceted strategy, Grassfire is urging citizens from across the nation to take immediate action with us by signing our petition to "Secure Our Borders":

This issue poses a very real threat to every man, woman and child living in our nation, and demands attention.

That's why Grassfire wants to rally 650,000 citizen responses to present them to key lawmakers--demanding they listen to the majority of American citizens who say "No to amnesty for illegals!"

Friday, July 07, 2006

Top Relocation Services Scam Alert (A.K.A. Team USA Relocation)

Below is my experience with Top Relocation Services (moving broker) and the movers, All California Express:

Per my service order, movers were supposed to arrive on load dates provided: 06/12/2006 to 06/13/2006.

FACT: I took several vacation days off work to wait for movers. Movers did not load until 06/15/06 in the afternoon!

Per my service order, movers were supposed to deliver on delivery dates provided: 06/20/2006 to 06/24/2006.

FACT: Movers have still NOT delivered!

Last week, I was told by Top Relocation Services, our belongings would be here this past weekend, 07/01/2006 to 07/02/2006. I was then told by movers our belongings would be here 07/03/2006 to 07/05/2006. I spoke to movers on 07/03/2006 and they have not even left California to deliver to Texas.

Now I am told by movers, my stuff should be here next weekend, 07/08/2006 to 07/09/2006 because driver decided to stay in California until the holiday. I am getting different stories from the movers and Top Relocation Services. I have repeatedly had to call the movers directly to get information because Top Relocation Services has supposedly had trouble reaching the movers themselves. Top Relocation Services is entirely ineffective at escalating with the movers to accomplish anything on my behalf and terrible at following up with any callback.

I am incurring additional meal expenses due to not having a fridge and clothing expenses due to not having a washer and dryer. My large parrot is also suffering being in a small travel cage for this extended time period and very agitated. I am increasingly frustrated as the days go on and our belongings are held hostage. We still need a solid delivery date on when we will have our belongings and our final bill, which keeps increasing. I would NOT recommend this broker to anyone based on their poor customer service and unprofessional movers they utilize.

I will be calling my credit card company to dispute our deposit. I would hate for another family to experience these kinds of headaches and delays, so I am posting this for the public's information.

Please submit your complaints to the BBB, the Attorney General's Office in Florida, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. We need to bust these scammers. If you have been a victim, please contact me with your story to help with fraud investigation!

Consumers, beware! Read message boards for other detailed accounts with Top Relocation Services A.K.A. Team USA Relocation.

UPDATE: BBB rates Top Relocation Services a "F", the lowest rating a company can receive!
We strongly question the company’s reliability for reasons such as that they have failed to respond to complaints, their advertising is grossly misleading, they are not in compliance with the law’s licensing or registration requirements, their complaints contain especially serious allegations, or the company’s industry is known for its fraudulent business practices.

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