Marlo's Musings

Friday, July 30, 2004

Annie's Update: Terror in the Skies, Again?

Annie Jacobsen's third article regarding her experience on Northwest Airlines flight #327 is now posted on the WomensWallStreet home page. Click here to read her article.

Also, Two Others With Information About Flight #327 Have Come Forward.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Another Update: Terror in the Skies, Again?

Here is the latest article from The Washington Times: Syrian music star sings praise of suicide bombers.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

More Articles: Terror in the Skies, Again?

Two additional articles you may be interested in reading:

Mother of a Martyr

Now Boarding, Cultural Misperceptions Note: You will need to become a member of The New York Times to access this article. Membership is free.

It's Wictory Wednesday

Watch this video, where Teresa Heinz calls us conservatives "un-American," then lies about it, and then proceeds to storm up to a reporter and tell him to "shove it." And remember when John Kerry muttered secretively about us "lying, crooked" conservatives? Do you want these people installed in the White House? Can you imagine how petty and rabidly partisan they would be? How hostile towards anyone who disagrees with them?

Every Wictory Wednesday, I ask my readers to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush 2004 campaign. If you've already donated and volunteered for the Bush campaign, then talk to your friends and enlist them in this battle for America's very soul.

If you're a blogger, you can join Wictory Wednesdays simply by putting up a post like this one every Wednesday, asking your readers to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush campaign. And do e-mail so they can add you to the Wictory Wednesday blogroll, which will be part of the Wictory Wednesday post on all participating blogs.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Follow-up Article - Terror in the Skies, Again?

This morning, The Washington Times featured another follow-up article on Annie Jacobsen's article "Terror in the Skies, Again?"

Friday, July 23, 2004

MSNBC Update: Terror in the Skies, Again?

Last night (Thursday, July 22), MSNBC's Scarborough Country featured another follow-up segment on Annie Jacobsen's article "Terror in the Skies, Again?" The transcripts from that segment are below and are worth a read.

SCARBOROUGH: Hey, we've been discussing Northwest Flight 327 all week. The behavior of 14 Middle Eastern men was enough to make one couple fear the worst. Fortunately, the flight landed safely and was met by federal authorities.

But, as WNBC's investigative reporter Scott Weinberger discovered, in questioning the 14 men, the federal officers failed to uncover a key piece of information.

Here's Scott's recap of the story and his shocking discovery.


SCOTT WEINBERGER, WNBC REPORTER (voice-over): Ann Jacobsen and her husband, Kevin, along with their 4 1/2-year-old son, were on that flight. And before the gate even left the gate, she says her husband already had an uneasy feeling.

ANNIE JACOBSEN, JOURNALIST: Kevin turned me to me and said, I think we should get off this flight. And we didn't.

WEINBERGER: But at that point, the couple felt like their concerns could have just been nerves. But that reasoning would not last long.

KEVIN JACOBSEN, ABOARD NORTHWEST AIRLINES FLIGHT: Well, I noticed when the gentleman went to the restroom with a yellow T-shirt, passes his seat. And when he gets to the middle of the flight, he gives the thumbs up to two or three other Middle Eastern men sitting behind him, and then continues back to the rear of the flight. There was one of the Middle Eastern sitting in first class, and he was wearing sunglasses. He was also always standing right in front of the cockpit door.

A. JACOBSEN: I said, honey, I think you should talk to the flight attendant.

K. JACOBSEN: She said, we are aware of it. The pilot is aware of it. She said that, we are passing notes to each other.

Then, when they were passing drinks, the flight attendant came over to me and she leaned down and she whispered and she said that there are air marshals sitting all around you.

WEINBERGER: But sources say the federal air marshals chose not to act, maintaining their undercover role, but prepared if the men made a move to hijack the aircraft.

But that would not happen. The plane would land safely in Los Angeles, and the men questioned by the FBI and the U.S. immigration authorities. Sources say they told investigators they were a group of musicians from Syria traveling to a gig near Los Angeles. Agents, we're told, ran the men through every possible data bank and terrorist watch list.

But nothing came back, so they were released. Several sources tell News Channel 4 that all 14 men were traveling with expired visas. And sources say federal agents who spent several hours with the men failed at one of the most simple of tasks, just checking the date.


SCARBOROUGH: With me now is WNBC reporter investigative report Scott Weinberger.

Scott, FBI member and immigration people sat down with these men. They questioned them. And, of course, afterwards they said, hey, everything checked out. But everything didn‘t really check out. These people missed something as simple as visas that were expired. How did that happen?

WEINBERGER: Well, Joe, let's talk about what we know happened right before the plane landed. We know that several of the passengers talked to the flight attendants and gave them information. That information was then given to the pilot. The pilot called ahead and told authorities that when the plane lands, they need help. They need people to come to the aircraft and take care of the situation.

When the aircraft landed in Los Angeles, it was met by several agents of the JTTF, joint terrorism task force, as well as ICE, which is Immigration Customs Enforcements. They took the gentleman off the plane. They did what they called an interview. It was not an interrogation. There was no criminal activity, not a reason to do the interrogation part of it. But they interviewed them all individually.

And it went on, Joe, for probably almost two hours. Now, they looked at the big picture. Is this a situation of terrorism? Are these people at all possibly connected with any form or links of terrorism? They went through various lists that they have in a database which is stored in all the major law enforcement computer.

After going through all those things, now, Joe, looking at the big picture of terrorism, something like a visa would be an easy question to ask. We know and my sources are telling me that each individual member that they talked to, these 12 people or so, the 14, they took their visa and made copies of them and put them as part of an investigative file.

But my sources are telling me that the investigators never looked down to check the date. The expiration was three weeks prior to the flight ever taking off.

SCARBOROUGH: That's remarkable. So you have immigration officials there. You have FBI officials there.

WEINBERGER: That's right.

SCARBOROUGH: Law enforcement people swarming around these men. And the most basic of questions, "Are you in the United States legally?" was a question that they botched. These guys -- I have been talking about Inspector Clouseau as it relates to Sandy Berger and his bumbling in classified documents.

It looks they're like a bunch of Inspector Clouseaus around here that couldn't even answer the basic question of whether these 14 Syrians who are suspected of terrorism were in the United States legally. I would guess the FBI and the immigration authorities have to be very embarrassed by what you've uncovered.

WEINBERGER: Well, red-faced to say the least, Joe, for sure. But, at this point, really what they have to look at is what is the level of concern when these men come to shore, when they make it to Los Angeles?

And I guess at this point, from what my sources are telling me, is, they wanted to go first and look at the bigger picture. Are these gentlemen involved in terrorism? And, at the end of the day, they let them go without ever checking the expiration date on the visa.

SCARBOROUGH: Unbelievable. I would say one of the biggest issues would be, are these men in the country legally? I can't believe they bobbled that one.

I want to bring in right now, though, Michael Smerconish. He's a radio talk show host. He is also the author of the upcoming book, "Flying Blind: How Political Correctness Continues to Compromise Airline Safety Post 9/11." And I also want to bring in flight attendant Deborah Volpe.

Let's start with you, though, Michael.

Are you surprised by what you're hearing about this flight, where 14 Syrians are allowed to run around the plane? And I'm just going to come out and say it. If 14 Anglo-Saxon high school students from Kansas who were on a band trip to Los Angeles did the same thing, the flight attendants would go back and tell them to sit down and put their seat belts on. Do you think political correctness played into the fact that they let these 14 Syrians run around the plane and break all the rules?


It is a no-brainer. And it is symptomatic of what's going on with regard to airline security. The fact of the matter is, we are in a war against Arab religious extremists. And nobody wants to face that fact. And, instead, we walk around literally flying blind to the fact that the 19 hijackers on 9/11 had a variety of commonalities.

And those commonalities were their country of origin or countries of origin.

They were all from the Northeast. They are all follower of Islam. Dare I say, they all look alike. And people just don't want to these factors into consideration. And I think it is insanity. I‘m for this administration, but it's the Bush administration that will not come to terms with the reality of the enemy that we face.

SCARBOROUGH: OK, what are the dangers here, though, that you -- by making these overgeneralizations, a lot of civil libertarians are saying, hey, you are sounding just like FDR in 1942 when he started throwing Japanese into interment camps. How do you separate those two activities, the rights of Arab-Americans to move freely across the United States and the needs of this country to protect itself from some people that, you know -- you can narrow it down, the people that want to blow up American targets, the chances are good, they are going to be Islamic extremists.

They are going to be males. They are going to be like 20 to 45 years old. How do you balance those conflicting needs?

SMERCONISH: I have to tell, Joe, that when you put civil liberties in one hand and when you put the common good and protecting Americans in the other, I think that that balance tips in favor of protecting America.

I flew to Florida recently and my 8-year-old son was singled out for secondary questioning. Now, that's insanity. And in the words of John Lehman of the 9/11 Commission, we have got to stop the process of pulling out of line 85-year-old women with aluminum walkers. I am simply saying what your audience is thinking. And no one else wants to have this conversation.

And if I might add, having perused the 500-plus pages of that report today, unfortunately, they failed to deal with this issue.

SCARBOROUGH: And I don't know why people can't say what you've come out and said. The fact is, we are at war right now with Islamic terrorists. Does that mean all Arabs are bad? No. But it means that we are at war right now with Islamic terrorists who want to destroy our way of life.



SMERCONISH: If you'll pardon me this, I'm not saying that you pull out of line and give the rubber hose and the stack of phone books to everybody who is of Arab descent.

But common sense dictates that if a group of 14 Arab males in that age group are flying together, before they get on that plane in Detroit headed for L.a., they are the ones who need to be subject to secondary screening.

SCARBOROUGH: And not your 8-year-old son.

Deborah, let me bring you in here.

What is a flight attendant's role? I know you responded to our show with an e-mail after you saw the original interview with the Jacobsens. Have you seen similar incidents on your flights?

DEBORAH VOLPE, FLIGHT ATTENDANT: We're really concerned about erratic behavior by any passenger, irregardless of their ethnic background.

And we have seen different types of situations occur. And it runs the gamut from if it is one particular religious group or one ethnic background. So, flight attendants are very concerned that we don‘t have specific airline security training that address these issues. The flight deck, some pilots have guns. We have some air marshals, but the flight attendants, the last line of defense, we have nothing.


VOLPE: Ask our politicians.


VOLPE: Well, it's really -- it was mandated that we were supposed to get airline security training. The TSA has left this up to the individual airline management teams to come up with these security programs, these training programs, which are not effective. Some run anywhere from a six-minute video to maybe two hours.

And, at this point, we're waiting for the TSA to mandate this. They mandate certain things, but not the most basic things that can be taken care of that won't cost the airline a dime.

SCARBOROUGH: And, you know, you're exactly right, Deborah. Flight attendants are the last line of defense. Thanks for being with us.

Michael, thank you.

Scott, we greatly appreciate it. Great report.

We'll be right back in SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY in a second.


SCARBOROUGH: You know we want to hear from you. If you were on Northwest Flight 327, please e-mail us at We want to talk to you and we want to get you on our show.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Middle Eastern Men Conducting Dry Runs For Terrorist Attacks

The Washington Post sat on the Terror in the Skies story for two weeks and finally The Washington Times reports more suspicious incidents. Read Scouting jetliners for new attacks:
A second pilot said that, on one of his recent flights, an air marshal forced his way into the lavatory at the front of his plane after a man of Middle Eastern descent locked himself in for a long period. The marshal found the mirror had been removed and the man was attempting to break through the wall. The cockpit was on the other side. The second pilot said terrorists are "absolutely" testing security.

Folks, we need to remain vigilant!

UPDATE - Related articles, worth reading... The Syrian Wayne Newton and Terrorist Training on American Flights?

Don't Be Fooled

New "girlie-men" t-shirts hit CA, but don't buy the "Sacramento Girlie Men" t-shirts, 20% of proceeds will benefit the CA Democratic Party! Wait for the CA College Republicans, they plan to sell t-shirts reading "Don't be a Girlie Man. Vote Republican."

Extra Perk for Soldiers

Be All That You Can Be:
For years, the military has offered its recruits free tuition, specialized training, and a host of other benefits to compensate for the tremendous sacrifices they are called upon to make. Lately, many of them have been taking advantage of another perk: free cosmetic surgery.

It is hard to begrudge young servicemen and women access to free medical care or quick self-improvement, considering the acts of heroism they perform every day.

22 Days Left...

Only 22 days left until this summer's Olympic Games! I love to watch the Olympics, especially artistic gymnastics. But are you ready for Poker in Athens?

CBS, are they back?

"CSI" Kills Back to Life?
Jorja Fox, axed last week from TV's top-rated drama, will return to the scene of the crime and rejoin the show, sources tell E! News Live. Fellow fired costar George Eads will stage a similar comeback--or so he hopes. Speaking to TV critics in Los Angeles Wednesday, Eads called his dismissal "a big misunderstanding."

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Honest Mistake? LOL!

Ben & Jerry really need to replace Bush with Berger for their PantsOnFire-Mobile.

Microsoft Shares the Wealth

w00t! Microsoft to Pay Shareholders Up to $75B
The Redmond-based company plans to pay a one-time dividend of $3 per share — at a cost of $32 billion — and will double its annual dividend to 32 cents per share.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Chat with Barbara and Jenna Bush

The Bush twins are Speaking Out for Dad this Friday, July 23, 5:30pm - 6:30pm EDT.

UPDATE - If you missed the online chat, a transcipt is available.

Traveling Troublemakers

Read Fury at anarchist convention threat, especially "The words on Web that incite hatred" section. These are very sick and twisted people!

FBI Investigates Kerry Adviser Berger

It's funny the media keeps referring to Sandy Berger as "Clinton Aide" or "former National Security Adviser", but he is currently serving as a senior adviser to Sen. John Kerry's campaign!
Berger served as Clinton's national security adviser for all of the president's second term and most recently has been informally advising Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry.

See Clinton Aide Investigated on Terror Memos and Sandy Berger Not Front Page News in Some Major Newspapers (not surprising the New York Times buried the story).

UPDATE - Ok, make that former Kerry adviser...
Berger Steps Down As Kerry Adviser.

Never Give In

Filipino Hostage Freed in Iraq; Militants Warn Japan Zarqawi Demands Japan Withdraw from Iraq
I hope Japan does not cave in to insurgents' demands to withdraw from Iraq like the Philippines (even though they said they wouldn't):
...the Philippines insisted Friday they would not be cowed by terrorists after insurgents captured and threatened to kill their nationals in Iraq... - July 9, 2004, ABCNEWS

Then they quickly pull out - what a joke! Leaders worldwide better learn:
When the Commander-in-Chief speaks for the country, I believe the person ought to speak clearly and mean what he says.
- President George W. Bush

Once countries start to give in to terrorists, it will only encourage them to kidnap more hostages in an attempt to change foreign policy. It's sad the Philippines government doesn't get it... we do!
We will never bow to the violence of a few.
- President George W. Bush

UPDATE - Alleged Zarqawi Statement Disowns Japan Threat, but it doesn't change my views above.

Political Human Sacrifice Poll Results

Poll results from the Political Human Sacrifice Phase 1 from John and Ken on KFI AM 640:
In the next few weeks, we will invite each elected official to prove to us why they should not be “Sacrificed". We will be asking them to do various tasks, with your input as well, to prove that they are protecting California taxpayers from the illegal alien takeover.

1) David Dreier - District 26 - 52.37%
2) Chris Cox - District 48 - 13.35%
3) Mary Bono - District 45 - 10.69%
4) Darrell Issa - District 49 - 6.05%
5) Dana Rohrabacher - District 46 - 4.65%

Monday, July 19, 2004

Part II: Terror in the Skies, Again?

Read Annie Jacobsen's second article, Part II: Terror in the Skies, Again? about a flight she and her family took from Detroit to LA.

Then watch Annie and Kevin Jacobsen talk on MSNBC about their experience on the flight that felt like a terror scare.

UPDATE - Tune in or listen online to Rick Roberts at 760 KFMB-AM:
We’re doing our best to get Mrs. Jacobsen for Tuesday’s show.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Terminate 'Girlie-men' Lawmakers on Nov. 2

Blatant homophobia, sexist??? The dummocrats in legislature have no sense of humor! See Gov. Criticizes Legislators as 'Girlie Men':
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger mocked his opponents in the California Legislature on Saturday as "girlie men," and called upon voters to "terminate" them at the polls in November if they don't pass his $103-billion budget.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

W Ketchup

Check out W Ketchup! Make sure you read the comments, the left section is very amusing. I'll have to order by the case as much as my husband uses ketchup!

Friday, July 16, 2004

Terror in the Skies, Again?

Everyone MUST read Annie's account of what happened during a domestic flight...

UPDATE - Received via e-mail from WomensWallStreet:
We have received thousands of emails about Annie Jacobsen's article, "Terror in the Skies, Again?" We are also receiving dozens of phone calls from the main stream media. They are now working on the story to break it nationwide. Thank you for your feedback, both positive and negative, about the article. We are a free America, and we welcome an open discussion about this important topic. A second article written by Annie Jacobsen about her recent experience on a flight from Detroit to Los Angeles will be posted soon.

BREAKING NEWS - Additional details at
Dave Adams, the air marshal's spokesman, not only confirmed the story, but has also apparently supplied witness statements and other corroborations of Jacobsen's account. NBC Nightly News, ABC, and Dateline NBC are now on the story as well.

Martha, Martha, Martha

To save $51,000, Martha Stewart unloaded her nearly 4,000 shares of ImClone when it fell to $60. Some savings… ImClone trades around $80 now, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia lost millions, and she was fined $30,000 today. Lesson learned here? Don't lie to federal prosecutors.

CBS, say it isn't so!

Reports: 'CSI' Actors Fox, Eads Fired! CSI is one of my favorite TV shows. They have some of the best characters because of the actors and actresses who play them. Leave the firing to Donald Trump please.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Play Jeopardy

Answer: Flip-Flopping Massachusetts Liberal Out Of Touch With America

Question: Who is John Kerry?


Answer: Disingenuous, Unaccomplished Liberal And Friend To Personal Injury Trial Lawyers

Question: Who is John Edwards?

Correct, again!

Ignorant Voters

Yikes, I listened to Hannity conduct his typical man "On the Street" interviews and folks do not know who the Vice-President is, who the Presidential candidates are, who the Secretary of State is, or why we celebrate Independence Day, yet they are voting?!

I also have to give props to Hannity for loving listeners so much that he is going to cover the Democratic Convention for us.

The Right to Fly the Flag of The United States of America

Rick Roberts was recently contacted by a listener named Spencer Woods. Spencer has been flying his American Flag since 1992 out in front of his condo in Sabre Springs. He recently received two notices from his property managers at Menas Realty to remove his flag, or suffer possible penalties and/or fines. He’s scheduled to go before the condo association July 27th. If you have had an experience like this, you should know that:
According to CA Government Code: Section 434.5, General Provision 1353.5 (b), the right to fly the Flag of The United States of America on your property supercedes condo association CC&Rs. The law not only provides for display on your property ‘on a pole or staff’, it also allows the Flag to be flown in ‘exclusive use’ areas such as patios and yards.

However, Menas Realty does not consider the front of his garage as part of his exclusive use area. CC&Rs can be ridiculous! What is so offensive about seeing our Flag flying free?

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Political Human Sacrifice

The John and Ken Show want something done regarding our borders and the illegals on the streets of Southern California:
So, we decided to “sacrifice” a Republican congressman for pandering to the illegals because they should know better (Democrats are obviously useless on the issue).

After reviewing the Immigration-Reduction Report Card, I voted to sacrifice Representative David Dreier because he had the worst "Reduce Illegal Immigration" grades. Click here to vote. Then contact Asa Hutchinson, Under Secretary for Border & Transportation Security and tell him that you want the Border Patrol to do their job! Call at 202-282-8077 or e-mail him.

The Da Vinci Code

Wow, I finished reading The Da Vinci Code. It is an interesting novel. Of course, I do not believe Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and do believe Jesus is divine. If you have read it, you should review the response to The Da Vinci Code from the Prelature of Opus Dei. I look forward to reading Breaking the Da Vinci Code soon.

Fight to Protect Marriage

Marriage: One Man, One Woman
The term "marriage" refers specifically to the joining of two people of the opposite sex. When that is lost, "marriage" becomes meaningless.

Disappointingly, the Senate rejected the Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA). I am so tired of the small percentage of the population who feel the need to push their agenda down America's throat and the few activist judges that support them. These six Republicans opposed the FMA and need to get the boot: Campbell, Colo.; Chafee, R.I.; Collins, Maine; McCain, Ariz.; Snowe, Maine; Sununu, N.H. Check how your senator voted and write them. CitizenLink even offers letter writing help.


Networks Initially Ignore Crudity and Hate at Kerry Fundraiser. Kerry on America:
Every performer tonight, in their own way, either verbally of through their music or through their lyrics, have conveyed to you the heart and soul of our country.

Celebrities like Whoopi Goldberg, John Mellencamp, Chevy Chase, Paul Newman, John Leguizamo, Meryl Streep, and Jessica Lange hardly represent America. Even Slim-Fast canned Whoopi from their ads after her raunchy anti-Bush rant. They need to stay in Hollywood and out of politics, or better yet, move to France with Johnny Depp!

Jeopardy! Champ Passes $1 Million Mark

Congratulations Ken Jennings!
The buzzer is going to be what separates the men from the boys.

I usually do not watch Jeopardy!, but it is amazing to see Ken in action.

Finally, Duke Settles Energy Claims

$207.5 million deal needs regulators' OK
The agreement would bring about $14 million to customers of San Diego Gas & Electric.

Divide that by the more than 2.9 million people in San Diego County and we're not getting much back...

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Semper Fi Highway

Great news... California designates 'Semper Fi Highway' in San Diego County.
Every person that drives by Marine Corps Air Station Miramar (along I-15) will see that they are driving on the 'Semper Fi Highway'. They'll know that they are passing by the home of 'The Few, The Proud, The Marines!'

Scary Kerry Flip-Flops

Kerry on abortion:
I believe life does begin at conception.

So, why did he vote AGAINST the Unborn Victims of Violence Act (Laci and Conner's Law)?! Thank God President Bush has common sense and signed the bill.

Kerry on Iraq:
I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it.

Huh? Does someone have amnesia? See his Record of Contradiction and review The John Kerry Flip-Flop Archive. Then play Kerry vs Kerry.

Shame on Bainbridge Island

It makes me sick that any vet would be insulted like this, especially during a Fourth of July parade! How un-American...
It was such a public humiliation -- home front insult after battlefield injury.

Thank you, Jason Gilson, for bravely serving our country in Iraq.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Switch to Firefox

Recently I changed from MS IE to Mozilla's Firefox. I love it.
...a breath of fresh air... Microsoft should be worried.

Find out why people everywhere are switching to Firefox. Then download it for free and try it for yourself!


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