Marlo's Musings

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Part VI: Terror in the Skies, Again?

Russian Airliners Were Likely Exploded From Their Toilets
What hasn't been widely reported is that Russian investigators now believe the two commercial aircraft were exploded from their toilets.

According to the Russian newspaper Gazeta, "At first, the experts on explosives were puzzled as they saw no traces of explosions in the passenger salons or noses of the planes. However, when the tail part of the TU-154 was examined, in the area where the toilet is, a piece of the edging with the illuminator had been torn away."

Pravda.Ru, one of Russia's leading sources for news online, ran the following headline: "TU-134 and TU-154 Were Exploded From Their Toilets."

Sunday, August 29, 2004

My faith restored

From the moment Alexandra and Vanessa started speaking, the boos outweighed anything close to cheers, and the reaction turned worse when the daughters asked the VIACOM youth to vote for their father. So shocked by the reaction, the taller of the two daughters tried to 'shhhhhh' her peers to no avail.

Woohoo, my faith in the next generation has been restored! :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Dishonorable conduct

Diary refutes Kerry claim
Kerry has claimed that he faced his "first intense combat" that day, returned fire, and received his "first combat related injury."

A journal entry Kerry wrote Dec. 11, however, raises questions about what really happened nine days earlier.

"A cocky feeling of invincibility accompanied us up the Long Tau shipping channel because we hadn't been shot at yet, and Americans at war who haven't been shot at are allowed to be cocky," wrote Kerry, according the book "Tour of Duty" by friendly biographer Douglas Brinkley.

If enemy fire was not involved in that or any other incident, according to the Military Order of the Purple Heart, no medal should be awarded.

It's no wonder why Judicial Watch has filed a request with the Pentagon for an official investigation into the Vietnam-era medals received by Kerry! To see a copy of the complaint, click here.

Happy Wictory Wednesday

Next week is the Republican National Convention in New York. After that you will not legally be able to donate to the Bush campaign. Today is Wictory Wednesday. Every Wednesday, I ask my readers to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush 2004 campaign. If you've already donated and volunteered for the Bush campaign, then talk to your friends and enlist them in this battle for America's very soul.

If you're a blogger, you can join Wictory Wednesdays simply by putting up a post like this one every Wednesday, asking your readers to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush campaign. And do e-mail so that they can add you to the Wictory Wednesday blogroll, which will be part of the Wictory Wednesday post on all participating blogs.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Chilling security blunders

Airport security scandal exposed
An undercover Sun reporter has exposed chilling security blunders — by smuggling a fake bomb on to a jet carrying more than 220 British holidaymakers.

The photos really tell the story...

Friday, August 20, 2004


Kerry takes legal action against Vietnam critics
In a statement released to reporters, Kerry's campaign announced it had "filed a legal complaint against Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (SBVT) before the Federal Election Commission (FEC) for violating the law with inaccurate ads that are illegally coordinated with the Bush-Cheney presidential campaign."

Quick, get Kerry some cheese and crackers to go with his whine!

Magnanimous Gesture

After Five Golds, Phelps Bows Out of Relay
"We came into this meet as a team," Phelps said. "We'll leave here as a team."

What a nice guy!

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Wictory Wednesday

There are only two weeks left to the Republican National Convention in New York. After that you will not legally be able to donate to the Bush campaign. Today is Wictory Wednesday. Every Wednesday, I ask my readers to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush 2004 campaign.

If you've already donated and volunteered for the Bush campaign, then talk to your friends and enlist them in this battle for America's very soul.

If you're a blogger, you can join Wictory Wednesdays simply by putting up a post like this one every Wednesday, asking your readers to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush campaign. And do e-mail so they can add you to the Wictory Wednesday blogroll, which will be part of the Wictory Wednesday post on all participating blogs.

Monday, August 16, 2004

International team to monitor presidential election

International team to monitor presidential election...
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe was invited to monitor the election by the State Department.

This is absolutely the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of! We do NOT need the OSCE in America! I love what Mike Reagan had to say...

Reagan: Selling America out to 13 Democrats
For some insane reason the State Department has caved in to the outrageous demands of 13 House Democrats that foreign observers be invited to monitor the fall presidential election.

The OSCE¹s job is to look at Third World countries and banana republics and monitor their elections. The United States is neither a Third World country nor a banana republic, and we can run our own elections, thank you.

We have the freest and fairest elections in the world, and what Washington has now done is to tell the world that we have done something terribly wrong and must be watched.

Friday, August 13, 2004

MSNBC Update: Terror in the Skies, Again?

Annie Jacobsen and Billie Jo Rodriguez, the passenger from Annie's fifth article, are scheduled to appear on MSNBC's Scarborough Country this evening, Friday, August 13. Scarborough Country airs on MSNBC at 7:00 p.m. Pacific Time (10:00 p.m. Eastern Time).

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Real Top Story

The media seems to think the top story today is the gay N.J. Governor. The real top story is the California Supreme Court actually made the right decision to preserve traditional marriage.

Part V: Terror in the Skies, Again?

Another Passenger from Flight 327 Steps Forward With Disturbing New Details By Annie Jacobsen.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Heat wave?

Heat of Battle Takes Toll on U.S. Forces
In the summer sun, Bradley fighting vehicles can turn into virtual ovens, with temperatures surpassing 150 degrees.

And the weatherman thinks we're in a heat wave here in San Diego...

Who buys this stuff?

Alan Keyes' sweat on sale at eBay... ewwwww.

Wictory Wednesday

There are only three weeks left to the Republican National Convention. After that, by law, you won't be able to donate to the Bush campaign anymore. You have to act now. Today is Wictory Wednesday. Every Wednesday, I ask my readers to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush 2004 campaign.

If you've already donated and volunteered for the Bush campaign, then talk to your friends and enlist them in this battle for America's very soul.

If you're a blogger, you can join Wictory Wednesdays simply by putting up a post like this one every Wednesday, asking your readers to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush campaign. And do e-mail me at so that I can add you to the Wictory Wednesday blogroll, which will be part of the Wictory Wednesday post on all participating blogs.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Update: Terror in the Skies, Again?

Here are two articles you will be interested in reading:
Terrorists' 'Probing Attacks' Said to Be Happening Nationwide
Threat thermometer

Friday, August 06, 2004

How YOU can help support OUR troops!

We recently sent treats. Why not send a package? :)

Also, visit the U.S. Department of Defense for information on how YOU can help support OUR troops!

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Part IV: Terror in the Skies, Again?

Annie Jacobsen's new article regarding her experience on flight 327 is now posted at In her article, Annie shares what other passengers on the flight are saying and some of what she has learned about the band. San Diegans, this "band" was scheduled to play at Sycuan Casino! Click here to read.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Unfit for Command

According to the book Unfit for Command written by veterans serving with Kerry, two of John Kerry's three Purple Heart decorations resulted from self-inflicted wounds, not suffered under enemy fire. They go on to say:

*All three of Kerry's Purple Hearts were for minor injuries, not requiring a single hour of hospitalization.

*A "fanny wound" was the highlight of Kerry's much touted "no man left behind" Bronze Star.

*Kerry turned the tragic death of a father and small child in a Vietnamese fishing boat into an act of "heroism" by filing a false report on the incident.

*Kerry entered an abandoned Vietnamese village and slaughtered the domestic animals owned by the civilians and burned down their homes with his Zippo lighter.

*Kerry's reckless behavior convinced his colleagues that he had to go -- becoming the only Swift Boat veteran to serve only four months.

The book will be released August 15. Click here for a free chapter ("The Purple Heart Hunter") from Unfit for Command. For more on this story, visit

Another hate fest...

Springsteen headlines anti-Bush musical coalition. Other idiots participating include Bonnie Raitt, Dave Matthews Band, Dixie Chicks, Jackson Brown, John Mellencamp, Ben Harper, Kenny "Babyface" Edmonds, Pearl Jam, R.E.M, and Ben Harper.

They need to wake up and realize America has already "come together", but not for Kerry:
John Kerry becomes the first presidential candidate since 1972 to receive a negative bounce from his convention. Kerry’s performance in Gallup's post-convention poll is even worse than George McGovern’s in 1972, making it the worst convention bounce in Gallup’s history of presidential campaign polling.

No incumbent president has ever lost re-election when leading in the Gallup poll after his opponent's convention.


Wictory Wednesday

In about 90 days, the fate of the world will be decided. The president of the United States, the most powerful man in the world, could have a voting record more liberal than Ted Kennedy's.

John Kerry came back from Vietnam and accused his fellow veterans of committing war crimes, threw his ribbons over the White House fence in a protest, voted for dozens of cuts in defense and intelligence budgets, consistently opposed Ronald Reagan in the fight against Communism, and gave aid and comfort to Communist leaders from the Sandinistas to Castro.

Kerry voted against the first Gulf War and was one of only 12 ultra-liberal senators to vote against funding our troops currently in Iraq and Afghanistan. Do you really want to see John Kerry as president? Do you want Osama Bin Laden grinning from ear to ear on November 2, 2004?

Every Wictory Wednesday, I ask my readers to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush 2004 campaign. If you've already donated and volunteered for the Bush campaign, then talk to your friends and enlist them in this battle for America's very soul.

If you're a blogger, you can join Wictory Wednesdays simply by putting up a post like this one every Wednesday, asking your readers to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush campaign. And do e-mail so they can add you to the Wictory Wednesday blogroll, which will be part of the Wictory Wednesday post on all participating blogs.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Kerry - "F" in Attendance and National Security

The alphabet networks need to tell America the truth about Kerry's voting record. He's been a consistent no-show in the intelligence committee. When he does show up, he's a failure.
"For example, in 1993 after the World Trade Center bombing Senator Kerry introduced a number of measures that were to reduce funding for the intelligence community by $7.5 billion, including a bill that he introduced in 1995 that called for the reduction in funding for the intelligence committees and intelligence communities by $300 million a year for five consecutive years," Chambliss said.

Chambliss points out those five years led up to Sept. 11. Kerry did not get any co-sponsors on that bill.

"He's been in the Senate for 20 years," said Chambliss. "Nobody has come to the platform to say, 'This is what John Kerry has done in his 20 years in the Senate.' They're not doing that because they can't do that."

Yes, you liberals it is a fact - Kerry has missed 38 of 49 public hearings in 8 years - and this is the guy you want for President? I don't get it, but then again I still don't see how Bush is to blame for 9/11. He was in office only 8 months when the attack occurred; Slick Willie had 8 years to prepare.

Goons? Four more years of hell?

Heinz Kerry: Four More Years
When a Bush supporter with a bullhorn shouted "four more years" from the back of a large crowd packed into a downtown Milwaukee park, Heinz Kerry, who was introducing her husband, responded: "They want four more years of hell."

The Kerry's have hardly been living in hell - take a look. It's no wonder why Americans don't embrace the Kerry's!
Taking his turn at the podium, Kerry praised his wife's bluntness and then added, "I want to thank George Bush for sending the goons here tonight to excite us to do a little more work."

Herman Munster look-alike has the nerve to call Bush supporters goons?! LOL.

Monday, August 02, 2004

More Updates: Terror in the Skies, Again?

If you have been following the Annie Jacobsen story, you will be interested in reading these two articles:
Harrowing online story raises questions about terror probes
Second passenger saw suspicious behavior

Sunday, August 01, 2004


Dem's Marine Misfire
"He imposed on us and I disagree with him coming over here shaking our hands," one Marine said, adding, "I'm 100 percent against [him]."

A sergeant with 10 years of service under his belt said, "I speak for all of us. We think that we are doing the right thing in Iraq," before saying he is to be deployed there in a few weeks and is "eager" to go and serve.


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