Hypocrite Oprahma Snubs Palin
Who actually believes Oprah's statement:

Oprah initially had Obama on the show, but now that she's decided to support him, she won't have any other political candidates on? Ridiculous! I will NOT be renewing any magazine gift subscriptions and hope others also decide to CANCEL theirs. I used to be a fan, but I just can't watch her show anymore. Oprah, get ready to cry your eyelashes off again when Obama loses. I look forward to seeing this Drudge Report headline:

Oprah initially had Obama on the show, but now that she's decided to support him, she won't have any other political candidates on? Ridiculous! I will NOT be renewing any magazine gift subscriptions and hope others also decide to CANCEL theirs. I used to be a fan, but I just can't watch her show anymore. Oprah, get ready to cry your eyelashes off again when Obama loses. I look forward to seeing this Drudge Report headline:
Vice-President Palin Declines Oprah's Invitation
Please, everyone, DON'T drink the Oprah kool-aid!
Labels: backlash, hypocrite, kool-aid, liar, obama, oprah, oprahma, palin