Marlo's Musings

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Racist Depictions of Dr. Rice in Editorial Cartoons Denounced

Independent Women’s Forum Denounces Racist Depictions of Dr. Condoleezza Rice in Popular Editorial Cartoons
"The depiction of Dr. Condoleezza Rice by Jeff Danziger, Pat Oliphant and Garry Trudeau as an ebonics speaking, big-lipped, black mammy who just loves her 'massa' is a disturbing trend in editorial cartoons," said Michelle D. Bernard, senior vice president of the Independent Women's Forum. "These cartoons take the racism of the liberals who profess respect and adoration for black Americans to a new level. It is revolting."

Danziger, Oliphant and Trudeau, should be fired! These cartoons are not funny.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Arafat - Good Riddance

Why is the media compelled to act like it is some great tragedy that Yasser Arafat is dead? Read the real stories... Arafat the monster | Arafat's Trail Of Blood | Israel says good riddance to Arafat

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


From the Federalist Patriot No. 04-44/45:
Tomorrow is Veterans Day. We encourage our readers to set aside time to reflect on the sacrifice of our Patriot veterans and honor them accordingly.

On November 11th, 1921, an unknown American soldier from World War I was buried in Arlington National Cemetery, in recognition of WWI veterans and in conjunction with the timing of cessation of hostilities at 11 a.m., November 11, 1918 (the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month). President Warren Harding requested that: "All...citizens...indulge in a period of silent thanks to God for these... valorous lives and of supplication for His Divine mercy...on our beloved country." Inscribed on the Tomb are the words: "Here lies in honored glory an American soldier know but to God." The day became known as "Armistice Day." In 1954, Congress, wanting to recognize the sacrifice of veterans since WWI, proposed to change Armistice Day to Veterans Day in their honor. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, former Supreme Commander in WWII, signed the legislation.

To honor those veterans who sacrificed all, an Army honor guard from the 3d U.S. Infantry (The Old Guard) keeps day and night vigil at Arlington. At 11 a.m. tomorrow, a combined color guard representing all military service branches executes "Present Arms" at the tomb for the laying of a wreath by the president. This is followed by "Taps."

The Defense Department has totaled one measure of the price of liberty -- almost 1.2 million members of our fighting forces have died while in service to our country since the American Revolution; 1.4 million have been wounded. The numbers, of course, offer no reckoning of the inestimable value of these individual citizens' lives, and the sacrifices borne by their families. But we do know their sacrifices defended a precious gift handed down to us -- the liberties we cherish. Every day -- but today especially -- let us always hold our veterans and their families in our hearts.

On this commemoration of Veterans Day, we encourage parents and teachers to visit the official Veterans Affairs website for instruction and learning aids on the history and significance of Veterans Day. Link to --

Friday, November 05, 2004

Senator Specter Should Not Serve as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee

It appears that the President’s desire to reign in activist judges who force their liberal agenda on the American public is headed to the ash heap if pro-choice Republican Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania has his way.

Specter is in line to be elected Chairman of the Judiciary Committee unless Republican Senators vote otherwise. According to the Associated Press, Specter "bluntly warned the newly re-elected President Bush today against putting forth Supreme Court nominees who would seek to overturn abortion rights or are otherwise too conservative to win confirmation." Sen. Specter even hinted that if the nominee is "too conservative" it could result in a filibuster.

All appointments of Federal judges, including the Supreme Court, must go through the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Chairman can elect to call up a nominee or refuse to do so.

Click here to get information on Senator Specter.

Send the Republican Senators a message that they should not elect Sen. Specter as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. To elect Sen. Specter as Chairman of this committee where he could oppose President Bush's nominees is too big a risk to take. If Sen. Specter considered a nominee "too conservative" he could kill the nomination.

Sign the petition, and forward it to all your friends and family. Help the American Family Association reach 1,000,000 signers!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Senator Specter warns Bush on high court nominations

Senator Arlen Specter, a Republican from Pennsylvania, has warned President Bush not to send to the Senate for a judicial appointment (including the Supreme Court) any nominee who is a strict constructionist (in other words, who is not pro-choice.

Specter implied that he is prepared to filibuster any nominee that he (Specter) considers too conservative.

Specter is the person who killed the nomination of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court and tried to kill the nomination of Clarence Thomas. This is the person Pres. Bush went to Pennsylvania to campaign for. But Specter knows it will be six years before he will be up for re-election and feels free to do as he pleases. He can even spit in the face of the President if he desires. His turning on the President, who helped him get re-elected, shows his character.


Under Senate tradition, Specter is scheduled to become Chairman of the Judiciary Committee that handles all judicial appointments. Specter has sent the message that he will join with liberal Democrats to kill any conservative appointments.


If you have a Republican Senator (you may even have two), call them today and tell them not to vote for Senator Specter for Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. The Chairman is chosen by secret ballot by the Republican Caucus which includes all Republican Senators.

Tell your Republican Senator(s) that if Sen. Specter is allowed to serve as Chairman, it will be considered a slap in the face of all the Values Voters who voted for Pres. Bush. And it will be considered a betrayal of trust, in light of the fact that Bush ran opposing Senators blocking his appointments—such as Sen. Specter has promised to do.

You can reach your Republican Senator by calling the Senate switchboard at 202-224-3121. Ask for your Senator by name, or give the operator your zip code. It does no good to call a Democrat senator.

Associated Press

PHILADELPHIA -- The Republican expected to chair the Senate Judiciary Committee next year bluntly warned newly re-elected President Bush today against putting forth Supreme Court nominees who would seek to overturn abortion rights or are otherwise too conservative to win confirmation.

"When you talk about judges who would change the right of a woman to choose, overturn Roe v. Wade, I think that is unlikely," Specter said, referring to the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion.

"The president is well aware of what happened, when a bunch of his nominees were sent up, with the filibuster," Specter added, referring to Senate Democrats' success over the past four years in blocking the confirmation of many of Bush's conservative judicial picks. "... And I would expect the president to be mindful of the considerations which I am mentioning."

(As Chairman of the Judiciary Committee) Specter, 74, would have broad authority to reshape the nation's highest court (in the new Congress). He would have wide latitude to schedule hearings, call for votes and make the process as easy or as hard as he wants.

Legal scholar Dennis Hutchinson said Specter's message to the White House appears to be "a way of asserting his authority" as he prepares to chair the Judiciary Committee when Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, is term-limited from keeping the post next year.

"A self-proclaimed moderate, he helped kill President Reagan's nomination of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court and of Jeff Sessions to a federal judgeship. Specter called both nominees too extreme on civil rights issues. Sessions later became a Republican senator from Alabama and now sits on the Judiciary Committee with Specter.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Bush Wins Four More Years!

Thank God, Bush wins 4 more years!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

W'04 - Final Lap to Victory

Monday, November 01, 2004

A Message From Rudy Giuliani

On September 11, our nation faced the worst attack in our history.

On that day, we had to confront reality. Our people were brave in their response.

At the time, we believed we would be attacked many more times that day and in the days that followed. Spontaneously, I grabbed the arm of then Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik and said to Bernie, "Thank God George Bush is our President." I've been saying that every day since.

We needed George Bush then; we need him now; and we need him for four more years!

President Bush is making certain that we are combating terrorism at the source, beyond our shores, so we can reduce the risk of having to confront it in our streets at home.

John Kerry's record of inconsistent positions on combating terrorism gives us no confidence he'll pursue such a determined course.

Terrorism did not start on September 11, 2001. It had been festering for many years.

President Bush will not submit America to a "global test" from other countries that seek to dissuade us from what is necessary for our defense.

Under President Bush, America will lead rather than follow.

President Bush is the leader we need for the next four years because he sees beyond today and tomorrow. He has a vision of a peaceful Middle East and, therefore, a safer world.

And together we have a responsibility to do all we can to give President Bush has four more years to continue winning the War on Terror and making the world safer.

Talk to your family, your friends, your coworkers and your neighbors. Make sure they understand the dramatic contrast between the President Bush and Senator Kerry.

And make sure your fellow Americans understand the power of their vote on November 2nd--and proudly tell them that, like me, you'll be voting for George W. Bush for four more years!

Rudy Giuliani

A Message from President George W. Bush

Tomorrow, Americans will choose who will lead our country during a time of war and economic opportunity. And the choice on Tuesday comes down to a few issues of great consequence. The first choice is the most important, because all our progress depends on our safety.

Since September the 11th, 2001, I have led a relentless campaign against the terrorists. We have strengthened homeland security. We removed terror regimes in Afghanistan and Iraq. We are on the offensive around the world, because the best way to prevent future attacks is to go after the enemy.

My opponent has a different view. Senator Kerry says September the 11th didn't change him much, and his policies make that clear. He says the war on terror is "primarily an intelligence and law enforcement operation." He has proposed what he calls a "global test" that would give foreign governments a veto over American security decisions. And when our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq needed funding for body armor and bullets, Senator Kerry voted against it.

The direction of the war on terror is at stake in the election of 2004. And when you go to the polls on Tuesday, remember this: I will do whatever it takes to defend America and prevail in the war on terror, and I will always support the men and women who do the fighting.

The second choice in this election concerns your family budget. As a candidate, I pledged to lower taxes for families, and I have kept my word. We doubled the child tax credit, reduced the marriage penalty, and dropped the lowest tax bracket to 10 percent. Now working families keep more of their paychecks, and America's economy is growing faster than any other among major industrialized nations.

My opponent voted against all our tax relief for working families. His votes would have squeezed about $2,000 more in taxes from the average middle-class family. Now Senator Kerry is promising to increase federal spending by more than $2.2 trillion. And to pay for all that new spending, he would have to raise taxes on American families. I will keep your taxes low because I know it's not the government's money, it's your family's money.

The third choice in this election involves your quality of life. As President, I signed historic education reforms to bring high standards to the classroom and make schools accountable to parents, and our children are making progress in reading and math. We've strengthened Medicare, created health savings accounts, and expanded community health centers to help more Americans get health care. I'm proposing a series of practical reforms to make health care more affordable and accessible by expanding health savings accounts, allowing association health plans, and protecting patients and doctors from junk and frivolous lawsuits.

My opponent has a different approach. Senator Kerry voted for the No Child Left Behind Act, but he has pledged to weaken the accountability standards. He's voted 10 times against medical liability reform. And now, he's proposing a big-government health care plan that would do nothing about rising health costs, and would cause millions of Americans to lose their private health insurance and end up on government programs.

Finally, this election presents a choice on the values that keep our families strong. I believe marriage is a sacred commitment, and I will always defend it. I will continue to appoint judges who strictly interpret the law. And I will keep working to move this good-hearted nation toward a culture of life.

On these issues, my opponent and I are miles apart. Senator Kerry was part of an out-of-the-mainstream minority that voted against the Defense of Marriage Act. He believes there ought to be a liberal litmus test for judicial appointments. He voted against banning the brutal practice of partial birth abortion. I believe that reasonable people can find common ground on difficult issues, and I will continue reaching out and bringing Americans together to protect our deepest-held values.

All of these choices make this one of the most important elections in our history. These past four years, you have seen how I do my job. Even when you might not agree with me, you know where I stand, what I believe, and what I intend to do. Soon, the decision will be in your hands. And however you decide, I urge you to get out and vote on Tuesday.

(The above message is from Federalist Patriot No. 04-44. The Patriot is the most widely subscribed e-journal on the Internet. Get your subscription today -- it's FREE by e-mail)

Vote Bush, #&$% Osama

Bid to sway votes backfires on Osama bin Loser
The thing I find amazing about it was that John Kerry's first response was to go and conduct a poll to find out what he should say about this tape from Osama bin Laden. - Vice President Dick Cheney

Osama bin Loser didn't get it last time;


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