Marlo's Musings

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Federal Court in California Rules Pledge of Allegiance Unconstitutional

A federal district court in San Francisco has ruled that reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools is unconstitutional.

U.S. District Judge Lawrence Karlton ruled that the pledge's reference to one nation "under God" violates school children's right to be "free from a coercive requirement to affirm God." Karlton said he was bound by 2002 precedent of the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Your Senators could have stopped this nonsense last year but they failed to act. In 2004, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would have prohibited liberal judges from ruling on issues involving the pledge, but failed because the bill died in U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee.

S. 1046 – The Pledge Protection Act of 2005 has been introduced in the U.S. Senate. Let's not let this happen again!

S.1046 - The Pledge Protection Act of 2005 - reads as follows: 'No court created by Act of Congress shall have any jurisdiction, and the Supreme Court shall have no appellate jurisdiction, to hear or decide any question pertaining to the interpretation of, or the validity under the Constitution of, the Pledge of Allegiance, as defined in section 4 of title 4, or its recitation.'

By exercising the authority of Congress to regulate the jurisdiction of federal courts, the Pledge Protection Act will do more than express an affirmation by Congress that the Pledge is constitutional. It will rein in a renegade judiciary that has confused the freedom for religion with freedom from religion.

Click Here To Email Your Senators Now!

If your Senator is already a co-sponsor, be sure to thank him or her for supporting this vital legislation. If not, urge your Senator to sign on as a sponsor S.1046 - The Pledge Protection Act of 2005.


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