Marlo's Musings

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Procter & Gamble Boycott

Procter & Gamble is the largest contributor to the “Yes on 3” campaign in Cincinnati, an effort to give special rights to homosexuals.

The latest figures show that P&G has given $30,000 to the campaign, more than any other contributor! P&G said in a public letter that securing special rights for homosexuals was the “right” thing to do, and that those who oppose the “Yes on 3” efforts are “out of step.”

While P&G is leading the effort to give homosexuals special rights in Cincinnati, the company has refused to endorse the Ohio Marriage Protection Amendment that defines marriage as being between one man and one woman.

P&G aggressively promotes special rights for homosexuals, but at the same time refuses to take a stand for traditional marriage. It is no longer a secret that P&G has become a leader in pushing the homosexual agenda.

P&G has a history of consistently doing this. In a letter sent to their employees, P&G said: “We value differences and will not tolerate discrimination in any form, against anyone, for any reason.” Opposing same sex marriage is discrimination for good reason, but P&G says it will not tolerate discrimination.

P&G thinks that hundreds of thousands of voters in the following states are “out of step” and did not do what is “right,” (thus it was wrong) when they voted to discriminate against homosexuals by not allowing them to marry. In the states of Hawaii (69.2% to 28.6%), Alaska (68.11% to 31.89%), Nebraska (70.1% to 29.9%), Nevada (67.1% to 32.7%), Missouri (70.7% to 29.3%) and Louisiana (78% to 22%), large majorities have voted into their state constitutions a ban on homosexual marriage.

It is no longer a secret where P&G stands on the homosexual marriage issue. American Family Association is asking individuals to:
  1. Boycott three products of P&G — Crest toothpaste, Tide detergent, and Pampers diapers. (Some are boycotting all P&G products, which we encourage. To print out a list of P&G products, click here.)

  2. Call Chairman A.G. Lafley at 513-983-1100 and politely let him know that you are participating in the boycott and will ask others to do the same.

  3. Please register your support for the boycott at

  4. Print out a Boycott Procter & Gamble petition and distribute among church members and friends.

  5. To print out a list of P&G products, click here.

  6. For more complete information on the boycott, go to


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