Marlo's Musings

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Key West, Suddenly Shy, Puts Pasties on Its Party

New York Times article confirms what we can expect if pro-homosexual marriage officials and activists win.

I strongly urge you to read the story above, taken from the New York Times. The Times is one of the most liberal newspapers in America. They have always been pro-homosexual marriage.

The story concerns what is happening in Key West, Florida, a haven for homosexuals. It has gotten so bad that the homosexual community is angered that the city fathers have asked them to tone down their behavior.

If you read between the lines, you get the sense that even reporter Nick Madigan isn't comfortable reporting what he sees. In fact, I get the impression that he is holding back and not reporting the situation to be as bad as it is.

Homosexual marriage is the crown jewel in the homosexual push. They aren't really interested in homosexual marriage (only a tiny number have married in Sweden where it is legal). What they want is acceptance and approval of their lifestyle and the freedom to practice it in any manner they desire.

Please read the story. If you are interested in knowing which Senators and Representatives voted for homosexual marriage and are up for re-election, click here (pdf format) (Word document). I urge you to print out this list, make copies and distribute to your friends, church members, neighbors and others.


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