Marlo's Musings

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Kerry On Iraq

Watch the Documentary Now!
I urge Ed to show to every American because I think every American should see this... -- Fmr. NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani

September 30, 2004: The First Bush-Kerry Presidential Debate:

I've had one position, one consistent position, that Saddam Hussein was a threat. -- John Kerry

I know exactly what we need to do in Iraq, and my position has been consistent: Saddam Hussein is a threat. -- John Kerry

October 8, 2004: The Second Bush-Kerry Presidential Debate:

I've never changed my mind about Iraq. I do believe Saddam Hussein was a threat. I always believed he was a threat. -- John Kerry

Randee Jacobs: Iran sponsors terrorism and has missiles capable of hitting Israel and southern Europe. Iran will have nuclear weapons in two to three years time. In the event that U.N. sanctions don't stop this threat, what will you do as president?

John Kerry: I don't think you can just rely on U.N. sanctions, Randee. But you're absolutely correct, it is a threat, it's a huge threat.

And what's interesting is, it's a threat that has grown while the president has been preoccupied with Iraq, where there wasn't a threat.

Huh? Was Iraq a threat or not?! Kerry can't decide... read the fact sheet.

Like President George W. Bush said, "I don't see how you can lead this country in a time of war, in a time of uncertainty, if you change your mind because of politics."


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